Sunday, February 13, 2011

Getting Meta

My goal for this blog was to stretch my writing muscles about stuff that didn't pertain to video games, and in that regard, I feel like I'm failing. I thought I hard diatribes within diatribes about myriad topics, but when I'm watching the vertical blink, my mind pulls a blank. I often have "important" thoughts outside the blogging mind, but often, I forget to note it as something to write about. Many of these feel forced. And often, it kills my motivation to see plenty of commentary on something I want to talk about, which usually either kills or dilapidates as post.

Length is another issue. These should be longer, but I often leave this blog as the last thing to do, because its beaten out my things that seriously need my attention. Which means by the time I get around to them, I'm tired and can't muster much energy to write them.

I don't need these excuses. I need solutions. I need to develop points more clearly, need to create them more organically in the first place. So please, bear with me as I get my footing.

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