Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Behind the Scenes: Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 Review

I had a lot of fun writing my Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 Review, though I could've finished it sooner. I started Monday when I had beaten the game on Saturday. I didn't really feel the impetus to post something on Sunday, since few people would likely see it behind the enormous cloud of Super Bowl tweets and Facebook updates. Still, it could've gone live Monday, if I really felt like it.

Now, the other thing. Rearmed 2's reviews have been middling across the board. I like to read reviews by other outlets once I've finished mine to get some other opinions, but I was generally surprised by underwhelmed most of the press was by the game. The level design seemed to be the biggest issue. I had the same issue and pointed it out in my review, but it never so big of a problem that it detracted by how fun the game was to play. Maybe I'm hypnotized by the controls and swinging, but hey, it didn't bother me. The bosses did, though, and that's the biggest knock I can make against the game.

The part of me that's still a budding writer takes the fact that I'm higher than the average as a affront to my expertise. They know more, so they have to be right, right? Maybe I'm too green to notice issues that are clearly there, I ask myself. But I can'd deny that I had a ton of fun with Rearmed 2. The jump makes navigation easier, and the remapped controls work better than in the original.

And maybe that's why I liked Rearmed 2 -- I didn't really love the first Rearmed. I thought it was fun, but didn't see why it had such high praise. But, I guess that's just me. And I'm entitled to my opinion, after all. I just hope it doesn't end up burning potential buyers of the game.

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