Monday, February 7, 2011

Sick Guilt

I went to school congested and coughing today. My eyelids still feel hot and heavy, and I'm tired as all hell. I woke up thinking I wasn't going to school, but eventually bullied myself into going because I didn't want to miss this assignment, didn't want to skip a lecture. What was I going to do if I stayed home? Play games, watch The Wire and write, which seemed like a good day. If I skipped, I was weak. As you may have guessed, I shouldn't have gone. I fell asleep in one of my classes, and coughed all through the other. I didn't learn anything since I was too busy not dying.

Situations like this are way more common than they should be. My family has a pretty bad history of overpowering rugged individualism. You're not bleeding, so get your ass out of bed and go to school. If they call me from school about you vomiting or something, I'm not going to get you. You're not too sick to watch TV, right? Go mow the lawn. None of these things ever work out well. I know that I shouldn't stick to this rule-set, but I can't help but let the guilt dog me. But I'm trying to do something about this cold so I can properly do work tomorrow. I'll start by keep things post short.

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